What key features make Leica Cyclone 3DR essential for diverse inspection tasks? Are there other software options with similar or better features for streamlining inspections ?
BIM Help Center Latest Questions
Asked: September 29, 2024In: AutoCAD
Asked: June 10, 2024In: Autodesk InfraWorks
I’m trying to export a georeferenced topo surface directly from InfraWorks to Navisworks, but when I import it, the model doesn’t retain its georeference. Has anyone else encountered this issue?
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Best methods to extract high-accuracy contour lines ?
Asked: September 15, 2024In: Software
I’m looking to add or change parameters on objects in an IFC file, but I’d like to avoid using Dynamo. Are there other tools or straightforward ways to do this ? Thanks!
I’m looking into BIM careers. What roles are there, and how do career paths usually progress ???
Asked: June 3, 2024In: Autodesk Revit
Hi all! I’m looking for a decent Revit template for architecture. Does anyone have one they’d be willing to share or know where I can download a good one? Thanks